Sherman Car Wash Systems

About the photo

Sherman Larson founded Sherman Car Wash Company and owns many of the early patents for car washing and vacuuming equipment. He drove across the country visiting car wash companies with his portable home/office in the back of a trailer. He was all about making a better product and serving the car wash operators.

In the mid-1950s, Bill Thacher bought Sherman Car Wash Equipment Company from Sherman Larson and moved the company from Detroit to Palmyra. Bill Thacher was also a founding member of ACWA (Automatic Car Wash Association), which later became the ICA.

In 1993, a Texas venture capital group brought about the merger of two large companies: Hanna Industries and Sherman Carwash Company. The merged companies became Hanna-Sherman International Inc. and had a strong focus on international markets.

More than 26,000 Sherman car washes have been sold around the world. There is still a lot of Sherman equipment scattered across the US.

Be sure to watch the videos below for more information and fun images!

car wash equipment history
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