Hybrid washing material is a lamination of MicroAct textile and CCT-Foam and has been specially developed for use on topbrushes. The lamination of both materials creates a perfect synergy. MicroAct provides the sublime washing result and CCT-Foam provides a stable basis. Textile material has an absorbent effect and will increase in weight during the washing process. This is not ideal for adjusting and balancing a roof brush.
Hybrid material makes it possible to keep the proportion of textile material to a minimum, so that weight gain is greatly reduced. The Hybrid or Hybrid+ topbrush washes 100% with textiles, however the roof brush is much lighter in usage than existing conventional textile topbrushes.
The lamination of both products also ensures a safe washing. Not only by reducing weight, but also because the proportion of foam prevents the "fingers" from curling around the windscreen wipers.
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Mondag - Friday: 08:00 - 17:00
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